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Please provide your basic data for registration.

After completitng the following registration form you will be added to the conference database. This is necessary to submit papers, obtain information about the review results and register to the conference. The registration process is done in 3 following steps:
  • On the first stage of the registration you have to provide to us only the basic personal information identyfing you. All the fields of the Site registration form has to be correctly provided. Please note that an e-mail field is crusial for the registration, as it will be used for logging in to the MIXDES web system, and for the Conference correspondence. After submitting the form, you should receive an e-mail with the authorisation code to verify the provided e-mail. If you do not receive the e-mail shortly after subitting the form, it may mean that the e-mail address is incorrect, or there is a problem with an e-mail server. In such a case you may repeate the process after some time.
  • When the authorisation e-mail is received you may log in to the MIXDES web system for the first time. You shoud do it in 1 week from the step 1 (after this time the registration data will be removed from the MIXDES database). On this stage in the log in form the registration e-mail, the password you want to use and the authorisaion code from the e-mail have to be provided (we suggest using the WWW link provided in the authorisation e-mail, however you can proceed with standard log in - the authorisation code field will appear when you try to log in for the first time). The authorisation code is needed only for the first time log in.
  • The last step is completing your personal data used for post mail correspondence.
At any time you can review and update your personal data after log in.

Receipt of papers:

March 15th, 2024

Notification of acceptance:

April 30th, 2024

Registration opening:

May 1st, 2024

Final paper versions:

May 15th, 2024