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Joint IEEE EDS Workshop


The compact models of the electron devices are key elements of the SPICE libraries in the modern PDKs, especially in OpenPDKs. Joint IEEE EDS Workshop at MIXDES in Gdańsk will review the status of the compact/SPICE modeling and OpenPDK Initiative. These key element will present as Integrated Circuit (IC) design practice, serving as a fundamental framework to explore the complete learning process from the transistor (electron devices) level simulations, IC designs, its manufacturing thru OpenPDK MPW manufacturing to its final testing. 

Open PDK Initiative draw international attention. After OpenPDK released by Skywaters and Global Foundries in the USA and subsequently by MinimalFab in Japan, the IHP, Frankfurt (Oder) joined these efforts, releasing their IHP BiCMOS OpenPDK [1, 2]. IHP is leading these developments in Europe, building a local FOSS CAD/EDA IC developer and designer community [3].  The IHP OpenPDK initiative as an open IC design education platform is an answer to recently publish Open Letter "Importance of Open-Source EDA Tools for Academia" [4]. The workshop will carefully look into "What's next?" question.

Joint IEEE EDS Workshop at MIXDES will be an open event organized as a roundtable discussion with following lineup of the semiconductor technology and IC design experts


  • Opening
  • P. Górecki 
  • W.Grabinski - Introduction: The Free/Libre and Open-source EDA Tools and Hardware
  • L. Alloatti - Free Silicon: Horizon2021 Coordination and Support Action (CSA)
    Open-source EDA tools, open-source PDKs and open-source silicon chips are rapidly gaining popularity. With over 500 tapeouts in nodes ranging from mature nodes all the way down to 12nm, open-source is no longer the playground for just a small number of hackers, academics or enthousiasts. Government fundings, enterprises and even foundries have actively engaged in developing the open-source ecosystem. Yet, there is still much work ahead. This workshop will review the state-of-the-art, and the key motivations, potentials and challenges. By taking place just one week after the Free Silicon Conference, it will also summarize the latest news in the field and the progress in drafting a roadmap for the European Commission. Especially in Eastern Europe, the low entry-barrier of open-source could facilitate the development of modern know-how and businesses. We hope therefore for a large participation.
  • Panel Discussion / W. Grabinski - modetator


Wladek Grabinski is a consultant specializing in SPICE/Verilog-A modeling of MOST devices for analog/RF IC applications. With a Ph.D. from ITE Warsaw, Poland, and extensive academic/industrial experience, he has authored over 70 papers and edited the reference book “Transistor Level Modeling for Analog/RF IC Design”. Wladek initialized ESSERC track series on “Device and Circuit Compact Modeling” and actively contributes to the MOS-AK Association, serving as its coordinating manager since 1999.

Luca Alloatti received the M.Sc. degree in physics from the University of Pisa (Italy) in 2004, the “Diploma di Licenza” from the Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa in 2006, and the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Germany) in 2012 with a thesis entitled “High-Speed, Low-Power, and Mid-IR Silicon Photonics Applications”. He joined the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA) in 2013 where he demonstrated the first microprocessor with optical interconnects. During 2017-2020 he led an electronic-photonic integration research group at ETH-Zurich (CH). He is now the president of the Free Silicon Foundation <> promoting free/libre and open-source EDA tools and hardware, and since 2022 he works on a Coordination and Support Action (CSA) for open-source hardware financed by the European Commission. The full text of the proposal can be downloaded at:


Free of charge


[1] IHP OpenPDK <>

[2] Dr. Krzysztof Herman (IHP, Germany); Reflections on the First European Open Source PDK by IHP – experiences after one year and future activities; MIXDES (2024)

[3] IHP OpenPDK Networking Workshop <>

[4] Open Letter on European Strategic and Funding Directions <>


Receipt of papers:

March 15th, 2024

Notification of acceptance:

April 30th, 2024

Registration opening:

May 1st, 2024

Final paper versions:

May 15th, 2024