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MIXDES - The MIXDES 2021 information

28th International Conference "Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems"
Łódź, 24-26.06 2021

The MIXDES 2021 Conference took place on-line. The topics of the MIXDES Conference included:

  1. Design of Integrated Circuits and Microsystems
  2. Thermal Issues in Microelectronics
  3. Analysis and Modelling of ICs and Microsystems
  4. Microelectronics Technology and Packaging
  5. Testing and Reliability
  6. Power Electronics
  7. Signal Processing
  8. Embedded Systems
  9. Medical Applications

The total number of 50 papers from 19 countries were accepted for publication including 5 invited papers.

The following invited papers were presented during the conference:

  1. Modeling Passive Devices for CMOS RF Circuits - Roberto S. Murphy Arteaga (INAOE, Mexico)
  2. Modeling and Simulation of Charge Trapping in 1/f Noise, RTN and BTI: from Devices to Circuits - Gilson I. Wirth (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil)
  3. ASCENT+ European Infrastructure for Nanoelectronics: a Deep Dive to All-GaN IC Technology for Power Electronics - Urmimala Chatterjee (IMEC, Belgium)

The following special sessions were organised during the conference:

  1. Compact Modeling for Semiconductor Device, Sensor and IC Design
  2. Fusion Diagnostics I&C Workshop



Receipt of papers:

March 1st, 2025

Notification of acceptance:

April 30th, 2025

Registration opening:

May 15th, 2025

Final paper versions:

May 15th, 2025