29th International Conference "Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems"
Wrocław, 23-24.06 2022
The topics of the MIXDES 2022 Conference included:
- Design of Integrated Circuits and Microsystems
- Power Electronics
- Signal Processing
- Embedded Systems
- Medical Applications
The total number of 44 papers from 19 countries were accepted for publication including 3 invited papers.
The following invited papers were presented during the conference:
- IC Masks - The Challenges of the Newest Technologies - Mariusz Niewczas (Design2Silicon Inc., USA)
- Nanoelectronic challenges and opportunities for Cyberphysical Systems - Maria Helena Fino (Nova School of Science & Technology, Portugal)
- Ultralow Power Stretchable TFT Electronics - Arokia Nathan (University of Cambridge, UK)
The following special sessions were organised during the conference:
- Compact Modeling of Heterogeneous Devices and Systems
- Special Session in Memory of Professor Wojciech P. Maly